検索結果- フランス語 - 英語
ne pas faire dans la demi-mesure
(intransitive, figuratively, informal) not to go in for half-measures, not to half-ass it; not to embarrass oneself with manners
ne pas tourner rond
(informal) not to run smoothly / (figuratively, informal) to be wrong, to be amiss / (figuratively, informal) to have a screw loose
ne pas avoir froid aux yeux
(informal) not to be faint-hearted, not to be backward in coming forward, to have guts, to have plenty of nerves
mettre au pas
(transitive) to bring to heel, to bring into line, to rein in, to make (someone) conform
ne pas être au bout de ses peines
to be in for more hardships, to have further trouble coming one's way, not to be out of the woods, not to be in the clear
ne pas être sorti de l'auberge
(informal) not to be out of the woods yet, not to be in the clear
salle des pas perdus
concourse, waiting hall, circulation area, waiting room (in an airport or a railway station)