日本標準時: Japan Standard Time
What time is it now in Japan Standard Time?
order, sequence / system, procedure
Please proceed with the work in this order.
standard time
What is the standard time in Japan?
標準時間: standard time
Japan's standard time is UTC+9.
グリニッジ標準時: Greenwich Mean Time
London's Greenwich Mean Time is the standard that determines the time of the world.
a crowd, a multitude / the masses, the public
A crowd was gathered in that park.
a female given name
Hiiragi is my best friend.
insufficiency / lack / shortage
I couldn't stand his insufficient attitude.
watch carefully / stare at / focus on
He watched her intently like '瞩'.
Alternative form of 蓄.
We reproduced ancient agriculture using 稸, an alternative form of 蓄.
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