least common denominator; lowest common denominator
In order to find the least common denominator, you need to find the multiples of all denominators.
cell division
Cell division is one of the basic processes of life.
ceremonial family occasions (weddings, funerals, etc.)
Ceremonial family occasions are traditional family events in Japan.
(cytology) cytoskeleton
The cytoskeleton plays a crucial role in maintaining the shape of the cell.
He claims to have the ability of psychometry.
粉骨砕身: exerting oneself to the utmost, doing one's best
He is working on his job with all his might.
exerting oneself to the utmost, doing one's best
He made the project a success by exerting himself to the utmost.
science fiction
I like reading science fiction books.
最大公約数: greatest common divisor
They used Euclid's algorithm to find the greatest common divisor.
greatest common divisor
Please teach me how to find the greatest common divisor.
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