検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
(politics, historical, archaic) the head of the 太政官 (Ōimatsurigoto no Tsukasa, “Great Council of State”, the highest government office under the 律令 (Ritsuryō) system), equivalent to a “grand minister” or “chancellor of the realm”
(politics, historical, archaic) the head of the 太政官 (Ōimatsurigoto no Tsukasa, “Great Council of State”, the highest government office under the 律令 (Ritsuryō) system), equivalent to a “grand minister” or “chancellor of the realm”
“a hundred days of sermonizing, one fart” → a metaphor for how something that one has put great effort into can come to nothing after even a slight mistake, much as a hundred days of serious spiritual study can be lost to the winds
outline / condition / approximation / generally
oceanliner / ship / large watercraft