検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
教科: subject, curriculum / 強化: strengthen, intensify, reinforce, solidify, enhancement / 供花, 供華: offering of flowers, floral tribute / 橋架: bridge girder / 狂歌: comic tanka
図鑑: An illustrated reference book, such as a field guide, bestiary, guide book, or picture book
佳境: climax of a story / 華僑: overseas Chinese / 家郷: one's homeland / 架橋: cross linkage, bridge formation / 嘉慶: Kakei Era / 家教: tutor / 歌境: mood of a poem
寒天: Agar, agar-agar. / 寒点: The sensory cells of the skin that perceive cold. / 官展: An art exhibit hosted by the government. / 寛典: A generous favor; merciful treatment, a merciful sentence.
斗栱, 枓栱: an architectural structural element used in wooden temples that joins pillars and columns to the frame of a roof; used to shift the roof's weight to the pillars / 登京: going to the capital