検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
(Japanese mythology) possibly a goddess, one of the first three gods who came into existence when heaven and earth began (天地開闢 (tenchi kaibyaku)), along with 天御中主 (Ama no Minakanushi) and 高皇産霊 (Takamimusuhi)
the crew of five gods who escorted 瓊瓊杵 (Ninigi) during his 天孫降臨 (Tenson Kōrin, “Heavenly Grandson's Descent”) to rule the earth, including 天児屋 (Ama no Koyane), 太玉 (Futodama), 天鈿女 (Ama no Uzume), 石凝姥 (Ishikoridome) and 玉祖 (Tama no Oya)
(uranography) Winter Triangle - a bright asterism of the northern winter sky. Its corners are the stars Betelgeuse, Procyon, and Sirius.
(uranography) Summer Triangle - a bright asterism of the northern summer sky. Its corners are the stars Altair, Deneb, and Vega.