(intransitive) of the rain, to fall heavily
He went home in the pouring rain.
old clothing
This old clothing is something I inherited from my grandfather.
(historical); (card games) discarded card
He was excited to find an old discarded card.
着想: idea, conception / 着装: putting on, fixing
The idea for his new project came from nature.
日光: sunlight / 肉交: sexual intercourse / 肉羹: meat broth
The sunlight poured into the room, making it very bright.
日向: a surname
Nikko is my best friend.
属格: (grammar) genitive case
His name is used as part of the genitive case.
六角形: a hexagon
This hexagonal object is very beautiful.
六月, 6月: June
The rainy season begins in Japan in June.
先着順: order of arrival
The tickets for this event will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.
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