見ている: present continuous of 見る
He is looking outside from the window.
(hide-and-seek, childish) found you!
"Found you!" he said as he found his friend who was hiding.
美里: a female given name
Misato is my best friend.
firefighting water
The firefighters extinguished the fire using firefighting water.
colored (dyed) water
She was painting a picture using colored water.
(theater, television) spike (mark)
We went to see a movie at the theater 'Bamiri' on the weekend.
stem or continuative form of ばみる (bamiru) [godan]
He strives to learn a new word every day and remember its meaning.
(theater, television) to apply a spike (marking)
I plan to watch a new play tonight.
to try doing / to try and see
How about trying to make a new recipe?
rough-and-tumble, fubar
His room is always in a rough-and-tumble state.
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