検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
a particular kind of curved bead, resembling a bear claw or cashew in shape, usually with a hole piercing the thick end
玉屋: a store or person selling beads; a store or person selling bubbles; (historical) during the Edo period, a red-light district in the north of modern-day Asakusa; (historical) a kabuki work including a dance about a seller of bubbles; (historical) a popular manufacturer of fireworks in the first half of the 1800s
to give, to bestow / to be given, to be honored with / gift, boon, results
餓鬼: (Buddhism) a starving ghost; a brat (pejorative term referring to a child) / 餓っ鬼: a brat (pejorative term referring to a child) / 月忌: monthly observance of the day of someone's death