I am currently reading Numbers.
decimal point, radix point
What is the value below this decimal point?
A numerologist or arithmancer; practitioner of numerology or arithmancy.
She is a famous numerologist, and many people seek her advice.
greatest common divisor
Please teach me how to find the greatest common divisor.
(linear algebra) positive-definite matrix
A positive-definite matrix is an important concept in linear algebra.
(trigonometry) haversine; haversed sine
There are times when we perform calculations with the haversine in trigonometry.
(mathematics) equilateral triangle
He drew an equilateral triangle shape.
He is an expert in orthoepy, teaching pronunciation.
regular tetrahedron
He made a model of a regular tetrahedron.
Synonym of オルソ画像
This orthophoto shows the details of the terrain very clearly.
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