検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
(fiction) A type of supernatural ability from the anime and manga series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, more commonly referred to as a 'stand'. / 幽波紋: ghostly ripple
(education) research project, done by Japanese schoolchildren during summer break, to be presented upon return to school
休止: pause, cessation, halt / 給紙: (printer) sheet-feeding / 球史: baseball history / 急死: sudden death / 臼歯: (anatomy) molar tooth
旧弊: old-fashioned ways, conservatism, standing evil, the old school, fogyism
吸引: suction; absorption; attraction, drawing in; (medicine) aspiration / 吸飲: drinking by sipping or slurping / 汲引: drawing up water; a recommendation or nomination of someone for a position
吸引: to suck in; to absorb; to attract, to draw in; (medicine) to aspirate / 吸飲: to drink by sipping or slurping / 汲引: to draw up water; to recommend or nominate someone for a position