検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
(Japanese mythology) daughter of 素戔嗚 (Susa no O); she helped her husband 大国主 (Ōkuninushi) escape death ordeals put forth by her father
a princess of 因幡 (Inaba), who was pursued by 大国主 (Ōkuninushi) and his brothers, but ultimately became his wife
(Shinto, Japanese mythology) a goddess who performed a merry ritual dance to entertain the gods of heaven, to lure 天照 (Amaterasu) out of the cave 天岩戸 (Ama no Iwato)
those who are given desk work, who are left out of the loop, as a form of constructive dismissal.
(rare) a mole (burrowing insectivore) / (rare) an earthworm (worm (animal)) / (figuratively) an outstanding horse; an excellent horse; a famous horse (by metaphor from the meaning of the kanji)