検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
(Japanese mythology) a food goddess, daughter of 伊弉諾 (Izanagi); as told in the 古事記 (Kojiki), she offered food to 素戔嗚 (Susa no O) after he was expelled from heaven for his transgression against 天照 (Amaterasu), by pulling food out of her orifices, which caused him to kill her in disgust; from her corpse, grain seeds and silkworms sprouted out, and were collected by 神産巣日 (Kamimusuhi)
a national holiday in Japan on the birthday of the 今上天皇 (Kinjō Tennō, “present reigning emperor”), currently February 23
五日 (itsuka, go-nichi, “fifth (5th) day”) / 十日 (tōka, jū-nichi, “tenth (10th) day”) / 十五日 (jūgo-nichi, “fifteenth (15th) day”) / 二十日 (hatsuka, nijū-nichi, “twentieth (20th) day”)
fifty days / Short for 五十日の祝 (ika no iwai): a Heian-period celebration on the 50th day after a child's birth / Short for 五十日の餅 (ika no mochii): mochi fed to the child during ika no iwai
the forty-ninth day after a person dies / the Buddhist memorial service that occurs forty-nine days after a person dies