検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
総合, 綜合: integration, synthesis, generalization / 相好: appearance / 僧号: priest's religious name
草書: grass script, a cursive style of writing / 叢書, 双書: a series of books / 奏書: a book or document presented or reported on to the emperor / 葬所, 葬処: a burial site, a tomb, a grave, a graveyard or cemetery
高層: multi-story, highrise / 香草: herb / 高僧: high priest / 構想: plan, idea / 抗争: antagonism, feud / 好走: good running / 後送: sending back / 広壮, 宏壮: grand, magnificent / 降霜: frost, fall of frost / 航走: sailing
重曹: sodium bicarbonate, baking soda / 縦走: traverse / 重層: multistoried / 重奏: instrumental ensemble / 銃創: bullet wound, gunshot wound
荘一: a male given name / 惣一: a male given name / 宗一: a male given name / 総一: a male given name