検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
a seed / a pit or stone in a fruit / a gamete (reproductive cell such as a spermatozoan or egg) / a lineage, bloodline / an origin, cause / the materials or ingredients from which something is made
"Werewolf", a party game featuring werewolves and villagers equivalent to the Western "Mafia"
(historical) those people living in the northeast of Japan, regardless of ethnicity, with customs and culture and government that differ from the central Japanese imperial state
(historical) short for 蝦夷地 (Ezochi): collective name for Hokkaido (mostly), the Kuril Islands, and Sakhalin before the Meiji period
(historical, archaic) an ancient ethnic group that once lived on what is now the 関東 (Kantō), 北陸 (Hokuriku) and 東北 (Tōhoku) regions, likely as far as Hokkaido; likely related to the Ainu people