検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
(Japanese mythology) a food goddess, daughter of 伊弉諾 (Izanagi); as told in the 古事記 (Kojiki), she offered food to 素戔嗚 (Susa no O) after he was expelled from heaven for his transgression against 天照 (Amaterasu), by pulling food out of her orifices, which caused him to kill her in disgust; from her corpse, grain seeds and silkworms sprouted out, and were collected by 神産巣日 (Kamimusuhi)
the famous of the “one hundred poems by one hundred poets” anthologies, compiled by Fujiwara no Teika in c. 1235, used in the basis of certain card games
Behind one general's glory lie the remains of countless unsung heroes. Lit. While one general reaches glory, ten thousand bones are decaying.
(literally) a beautiful single red flower that blooms within a field of trees and grass / (figuratively) something unique that stands out among many other things
Grasp all, lose all. If you try to do two things at the same time, you will succeed in neither.