検索結果- 日本語 - 英語
(archaic) the time between and 2:00 AM and 2:30 AM, or between 3:00 AM and 3:30 AM, depending on the timekeeping tradition in use / (poetic, by extension) the middle of the night, late night
Literally: In victory you are the government army, in defeat you are the rebel army. Might makes right.
(informal) to have "won" a match on a psychological or personal level despite losing to all appearances
ushi no toki mairi, a traditional Japanese practice where a person visits (参(まい)り (mairi)) a shrine at approximately 2 AM in the morning (丑(うし)の時(とき) (ushi no toki)) in order to nail a straw effigy of a person (藁人形(わらにんぎょう) (waraningyō)) to a tree and wish for that person's death