頻出句動詞150 / スペリング問題 - 未解答
go ahead
go ahead
【発音記号】goʊ əˈhɛd
【1】 Proceed with a course of action without further hesitation (99%)
【1】 Go ahead and ask me your question!
move up
move up
【句動】昇進する,程度・地位が上がる / 上方へ移動する
【発音記号】muv ʌp
【1】 Move to a better position; advance to a higher level/rank (47%)
【1】 She moved up from secretary to senior manager in just a few years.
【2】 Move upward, from a lower spatial location to a higher one (22.5%)
【2】 She put her hand on his shoulder and moved it up along the back of his neck.
stand up
stand up
【句動】立ち上がる / 表明する,堂々と言う,《~ to ...》《...に》恐れず立ち向かう
【発音記号】stænd ʌp
【1】 Rise to a standing position after sitting or lying down (67.5%)
【1】 He pushed away from the table and stood up
【2】 (Stand up and say something) Make public knowledge a privately held position (11%)
【2】 Somebody’s got to stand up and say what’s wrong with this country.
pull up
pull up
【句動】停車する / を引き上げる,を引っ張り上げる
【発音記号】pʊl ʌp
【1】 Stop or cause a vehicle to stop (47%)
【1】車両を停止させる、または停止させる (47%)
【1】 A van pulled up in front of them.
【2】 Move something/somebody from a lower position to a higher one; lift from the ground (35.5%)
【2】何かを低い位置から高い位置に移動させる;地面から持ち上げる (35.5%)
【2】 She pulled up her scarf to cover her cold face.
hand over
hand over
《...に》を手渡す《to ...》 / 《...に》を引き渡す,を譲り渡す《to ...》
【発音記号】hænd ˈoʊvər
【1】 Give something to somebody by holding it in one’s hand and offering it to them (58.5%)
【1】 She turned around to hand over her keys to her husband.
【2】 Surrender control or responsibility for something/somebody to somebody else, esp. officially (41.5%)
【2】 The government isn’t willing to hand over power to local authorities.
move back
move back
【発音記号】muv bæk
【1】 Return to a place one has lived in before (75%)
【1】以前住んでいた場所に戻る (75%)
【1】 We moved back to New York last year
come along
come along
【句動】やって来る,現れる / 《...と》一緒に来る《with ...》 / 進捗する, 上達する, うまくいく
【発音記号】kʌm əˈlɔŋ
【1】 Appear or arrive; come into existence (72.5%)
【1】 Such an opportunity comes along only once in a lifetime.
【2】 Go somewhere with somebody (20.5%)
【2】 We’re going to the cinema tonight; you should come along with us!
turn over
turn over
【句動】《...に》を明け渡す,を引き渡す《to ...》 / をひっくり返す
【発音記号】tɜrn ˈoʊvər
【1】 Surrender possession or control to somebody/something (esp. in authority) (59.5%)
【1】 The policeman turned over the criminal to the jail guard.
【2】 Change position so that the other side is facing towards the outside or the top, or another direction (34%)
【2】反対側が外側や上、または別の方向を向くように位置を変更する (34%)
【2】 Put the chicken on the grill and turn it over a few times
turn around
turn around
【句動】振り向く,振り返る / を好転させる
【発音記号】tɜrn əˈraʊnd
【1】 Move so as to face in the opposite direction (67.5%)
【1】 She turned around and walked out the door.
【2】 Make something become better or more successful than it previously was (economy, business) (24.5%)
【2】何かを以前よりも良くしたり、成功させたりする(経済・ビジネス) (24.5%)
【2】 People have stopped believing the President could turn around the economy.
clean up
clean up
【句動】を掃除する,をきれいにする,を片付ける / を一掃する,を根絶する
【発音記号】klin ʌp
【1】 Get rid of dirt, mess, pollution, or chemical substances in a place or area (74%)
【1】場所や場所の汚れ、汚物、汚染、化学物質を取り除く (74%)
【1】 Make sure you clean up your mess because I won’t do it for you.
【2】 Make something free from dangerous, unacceptable or controversial activities or contents(22%)
【2】 He was asked to clean up his bad language during his interview
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