頻出句動詞150 / 英訳 / 4択問題 - 未解答
figure out
figure out
【発音記号】ˈfɪgjər aʊt
【1】 Come to understand or determine something (100%)
【1】何かを理解したり、明らかにする (100%)
【1】 Despite her efforts, she couldn’t figure out what had happened
rule out
rule out
【句動】を除外する,を排する,を無視する, …はないと断言する
【発音記号】rul aʊt
【1】 Exclude something as a possibility, plausible cause or explanation (93.5%)
【1】 They ruled out the possibility of a mass murder.
bring up
bring up
を持ち出す / を育てる
【発音記号】brɪŋ ʌp
【1】 Raise for discussion or consideration (59.5%)
【1】 I didn’t think he would bring up the subject.
【2】 Care for/be responsible for a child until it becomes an adult (17.5%)
【2】 She brought up her children under very difficult circumstances.
pay off
pay off
【句動】を完済する / 実を結ぶ,報われる
【発音記号】peɪ ɔf
【1】 Pay the complete amount of something (49%)
【1】 It will take a dozen years for him to pay off his debts.
【2】 Pay back the effort spent in doing something by becoming profitable or effective (48.5%)
【2】 All the hard work will pay off in the end.
pick out
pick out
【句動】(いくつかの中から)を選抜する,を引き抜く,を選び出す / (いくつかの中から)を見つけ出す,を見つける
【発音記号】pɪk aʊt
【1】 Choose somebody/something among a number of alternatives (71.5%)
【1】 She picked out the best-looking dress she could find.
【2】 Detect/be noticed among a group of things or people (19%)
【2】物や人の集団の中で発見したり、気づかれたりする (19%)
【2】 My mum could easily be picked out in the picture.
lay out
lay out
を明確に説明する / を並べる, を広げる
【発音記号】leɪ aʊt
【1】 Describe or explain something clearly or in detail, esp. officially and in writing (46%)
【1】 The whole strategy was laid out in detail in a twenty-page document.
【2】 Spread something out on a flat surface, so it can be seen or used (35%)
【2】平らな面に何かを広げて、見たり使ったりできるようにする (35%)
【2】 He laid out the plates on the table
come along
come along
【句動】やって来る,現れる / 《...と》一緒に来る《with ...》 / 進捗する, 上達する, うまくいく
【発音記号】kʌm əˈlɔŋ
【1】 Appear or arrive; come into existence (72.5%)
【1】 Such an opportunity comes along only once in a lifetime.
【2】 Go somewhere with somebody (20.5%)
【2】 We’re going to the cinema tonight; you should come along with us!
【句動】《...に》うまく届く,をうまく送り届ける《to ...》 / 《...に》(困難だが)なんとか理解される《to ...》,《Bに》Aをなんとか理解させる《A through to B》/ 《...に》連絡がつく《to ...》/ (困難など)を乗り越える
get through
get through
【句動】《...に》うまく届く,をうまく送り届ける《to ...》 / 《...に》(困難だが)なんとか理解される《to ...》,《Bに》Aをなんとか理解させる《A through to B》/ 《...に》連絡がつく《to ...》/ (困難など)を乗り越える
【発音記号】gɛt θru
【1】 (+ to) Succeed in reaching a physical destination or stage (27%)
【1】(+to) 物理的な目的地やステージに到達することに成功した(27%)
【1】 The food supplies never got through to the local population.
【2】 Be successfully communicated or understood (22.5%)
【2】 He needed to speak slowly and clearly so his message would get through to the audience.
【3】 Succeed in contacting somebody on the telephone (20.5%)
【3】 I cannot seem to get through to the customer service department
【4】 Overcome something, esp. difficult or unpleasant (14.5%)
【4】困難なことや不快なことを克服する (14.5%)
【4】 He gave me useful advice, which helped me get through this difficult situation.
get through
【句動】《...に》うまく届く,をうまく送り届ける《to ...》 / 《...に》(困難だが)なんとか理解される《to ...》,《Bに》Aをなんとか理解させる《A through to B》/ 《...に》連絡がつく《to ...》/ (困難など)を乗り越える
【句動】《...に》うまく届く,をうまく送り届ける《to ...》
《...に》(困難だが)なんとか理解される《to ...》,《Bに》Aをなんとか理解させる《A through to B》
《...に》連絡がつく《to ...》
give in
give in
【発音記号】gɪv ɪn
【1】 Cease resistance to (liking/temptation/habit, or to somebody’s demands/control) (100%)
【1】 She shouldn’t give in to her children’s demands.
keep up
keep up
《...に》遅れずについていく, 《...と》同じ割合で増える《with ...》/ を続ける,を維持する
【発音記号】kip ʌp
【1】 Move, progress or increase at the same rate or pace as somebody/something (46%)
【1】誰か/何かと同じ速度またはペースで動く、進歩する、または増加する (46%)
【1】 Workers’ income has not kept up with inflation
【2】 Make something continue (32.5%)
【2】 This is amazing; keep up the good work!
keep up
《...に》遅れずについていく, 《...と》同じ割合で増える《with ...》/ を続ける,を維持する
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