It is mean of you to ridicule him in public.
Oil is extracted from olives.
Jovian wrath
Stop snivelling--you got yourself into this mess!
It's impossible to take on more work at the moment.
She is a high-liver.
a problem of the first magnitude
Newton's writings were gospel for those who followed
You should apply some ointment.
his violent death was euphemistically referred to as a passing away
Where did you find that strange thing?
I prefer relaxing to working.
You've got to take the bull by the horns!
the regular army
I've been laid up with flu for the last week.
I will accept the work, provided that you help me.
He gloated over his opponent's defeat.
It was difficult for me to become a starting player.
Her cheeks were faintly flushed.
His honesty was such that he was respected by everybody.
I know it’s a bit of last-minute.
the subtleties of this distinctly British occasion
The clouds are breaking.
She always sticks up for those who are being treated unfairly.
She was very glad to find the purse she had given up for lost.
This is the very dictionary that I have wanted so long.
There is, perhaps, not one of our natural passions so hard to subdue as vanity.
The lightning flashed.
Her crass remarks about his appearance were highly inappropriate.
His debts amount to more than he can pay.
He makes no bones about admitting it.
This town is dear to us.
Japan is an industrial nation.
Does ALC's web site include an archive of English expressions?
Cut the cloth in a diagonal direction.
a gorgeous Victorian gown
It's a beautiful job.
Boston is too cold for me, let alone Chicago.
Some people think talking back to an adult is rude.
The car put on a burst of speed and passed the truck.
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