Sentence quizzes to help you learn to read
I feel full after eating.
Why is he still saying this?
Petrol fiyatlar\u0131 y\u00fcksek oldu\u011fu i\u00e7in seyahat etmeyi erteledik.
We postponed traveling because the petrol prices were high.
Zeus, Olimpos Dağı'nda yaşayan Yunan tanrıları arasında en güçlü olanıdır.
Zeus is the most powerful among the Greek gods who live on Mount Olympus.
Dün gece arabamdaki bir lastiği değiştirmek zorunda kaldım.
The view was amazing while the car's sunroof was open.
Mitolojideki mitler tarih boyunca insanların hayal gücünü etkilemiştir.
Myths in mythology have influenced the imagination of people throughout history.
The antagonist character is the main villain of the story.
The festival was very fun this year.