頻出句動詞150 / 英英選択問題 / 英定義⇨句動詞
【1】 Start on a trip or journey (30.5%) 【2】 Cause a device to explode, or a signal to start, esp. by accident (27.5%) 【3】 Make something happen or emerge, esp. without intending to (25.5%)
【1】 (+ of) Use something (or become used) completely so that nothing is left (49.5%) 【2】 Leave suddenly, as if in a hurry (34%)
【1】 See or hear with difficulty (60.5%) 【2】 Represent as being a particular way, esp. falsely (11%) 【3】 (Make it out) Deal with a difficult situation successfully (10.5%)
【1】 Stop (or make somebody/something stop) talking or making a noise (97%)
【1】 Stop a piece of equipment working temporarily or a supply flowing by turning a tap, pressing a button, or moving a switch (69.5%) 【2】 Cause to feel intense dislike (20.5%)
【1】 Move back by lifting one’s foot and putting it down backwards (72%) 【2】 Stop being involved in something so as to consider it more carefully/objectively (22.5%)
【1】 Put something away or down on a surface, esp. because one has stopped using it (31%) 【2】 Lie flat on a surface, usually to rest (28%) 【3】 Lay the foundations of; establish or create (17%)
【1】 Cause somebody/something to move downward or fall to the ground (32.5%) 【2】 Reduce the level, rate, or amount of something (26%) 【3】 Cause somebody/something in a position of power (government, president, system, organisation) to lose its power/status (25%)
単語から意味を推測しにくい、頻出の句動詞(動詞 + 前置詞)を学べます。
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