頻出句動詞150 / 英英選択問題 / 英定義⇨句動詞
【1】 Rest in a comfortable position against the back of a seat (66%) 【2】 (Sit back and do something) Deliberately take no action/remain passive about something (34%)
【1】 Exclude something as a possibility, plausible cause or explanation (93.5%)
【1】 Move to a better position; advance to a higher level/rank (47%) 【2】 Move upward, from a lower spatial location to a higher one (22.5%)
【1】 Choose somebody/something among a number of alternatives (71.5%) 【2】 Detect/be noticed among a group of things or people (19%)
【1】 Remove something that was previously put up or put in place (38.5%) 【2】 Destroy, kill, or disable (27.5%) 【3】 Take somebody to a place, esp. further south or at a lower level (18%)
【1】 (+ with) Continue doing something after stopping (51%) 【2】 Get on board some form of public transportation (train, bus, plane, elevator) (14.5%)
【1】 Give something to somebody by holding it in one’s hand and offering it to them (58.5%) 【2】 Surrender control or responsibility for something/somebody to somebody else, esp. officially (41.5%)
【1】 Express or represent the most important/representative facts, ideas, or characteristics of somebody/something, especially in a brief manner (97%)
単語から意味を推測しにくい、頻出の句動詞(動詞 + 前置詞)を学べます。
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