頻出句動詞150 / 英英選択問題 / 英定義⇨句動詞
【1】 Become detached or removed from a larger whole (34%) 【2】 Appear or seem to be a particular way (24.5%) 【3】 Be finished with something; have completed something (17.5%)
【1】 Circulate or communicate; give something to somebody after receiving it from somebody else (information, ideas, object) (37.5%) 【2】 Transmit from one generation to the next (traditions, beliefs, skills, possessions) (37%) 【3】 Die (euphemism) (12.5%)
【1】 Provide a place for somebody to live or stay (24.5%) 【2】 Fully understand or grasp the meaning of something (17.5%) 【3】 Deceive by behaving in a dishonest way (10%)
【1】 Do what is needed to solve a problem, conflict or difficult situation (51%) 【2】 Find out information so as to understand something (25.5%)
【1】 Take action about something after a previous action or thing, esp. so as to reinforce its effect (48.5%) 【2】 Try to find more information about something (45.5%)
【1】 Be clearly perceived, noticed or seen (feeling, emotion, quality) (20.5%) 【2】 Reach success or a desired goal despite difficulty (20%) 【3】 Arrive at a destination; come into view (train, ship) (10%)
【1】 Adopt a quieter and steadier lifestyle (31%) 【2】 Become calmer, quieter, more orderly (26.5%) 【3】 Get into a comfortable position, either sitting or lying (20%)
【1】 Come in the area near something/somebody (45%) 【2】 (+ to) Convert to an opinion or decision (22%) 【3】 Happen again as a regular event, at its usual time (10%)
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