頻出句動詞150 / 英英選択問題 / 英定義⇨句動詞
【1】 Remove something/somebody from somewhere (container or abstract whole) (50.5%) 【2】 Invite to a recreational place or social event (13.5%) 【3】 Obtain an official document or service from an authority (12.5%)
【1】 Said to encourage somebody to try harder, or do or say something (50%) 【2】 Said to show somebody disbelief, disagreement, or anger (19.5%)
【1】 Move down to a lower level or position (29%) 【2】 Decrease in value or amount (27%) 【3】 Go from one place to another, esp. one that is further south or underneath (18%)
【1】 Remove something (esp. piece of clothing or jewellery from one’s body) (41%) 【2】 Leave a place, especially suddenly (28.5%) 【3】 Leave the ground and rise into the air (14%)
【1】 Plan, devise or think about something carefully or in detail (33%) 【2】 Exercise in order to improve health or strength (23%) 【3】 (+ well/badly) Happen or develop in a particular way (15%) 【4】 Prove to be successful (12.5%)
【1】 Rise to a standing position after sitting or lying down (67.5%) 【2】 (Stand up and say something) Make public knowledge a privately held position (11%)
単語から意味を推測しにくい、頻出の句動詞(動詞 + 前置詞)を学べます。
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