
頻出句動詞150 / 英英選択問題 / 英定義⇨句動詞


【1】 Use a particular amount of space, time or effort (25.5%) 【2】 Discuss or deal with (issue, idea, matter) (17.5%) 【3】 Start doing a particular job or activity, esp. for pleasure (10.5%) 【4】 Grasp an object, often moving it from a lower to a higher position (10%)

【1】 Lower one’s eyes to see what is below (92%)

【1】 Display or attach something (e.g. to a wall) so it can be seen (23%) 【2】 (+ with) Be willing to accept something unpleasant or not desirable; tolerate (19%) 【3】 Build or place something somewhere (18%)

【1】 Make something/somebody return to a place, state, situation, or conversation topic (52.5%) 【2】 Bring something one has taken from a place they come from (22.5%)

【1】 Raise for discussion or consideration (59.5%) 【2】 Care for/be responsible for a child until it becomes an adult (17.5%)

【1】 Look outside, or at the horizon (50.5%) 【2】 Take care of somebody and make sure they are well; protect somebody’s interests (25.5%)

【1】 Bring something to a place or situation (52%) 【2】 Ask somebody to do a particular job or task (30.5%)

【1】 Make something become available or possible, less limited (42.5%) 【2】 Open something (door, gate, book, bag) (27.5%)

【1】 Have a look at; examine something/somebody (esp. to get more information or make a judgement) (97%)

【1】 Start doing or discussing something new (job, activity, conversation topic) (42%) 【2】 Change physical location (spot, room, country) (28%) 【3】 Forget about a difficult experience and move forward mentally/emotionally (25%)


単語から意味を推測しにくい、頻出の句動詞(動詞 + 前置詞)を学べます。

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