頻出句動詞150 / 英英選択問題 / 句動詞⇨英定義 - 未解答
【2】 Surrender control or responsibility for something/somebody to somebody else, esp. officially (41.5%)
[[【1】 Stop working or functioning; fail or collapse (vehicle, device, relationship, negotiations) (24%)
[[【1】 Come to a place or area (spot, room, town, country), esp. towards somebody or to join somebody (95%)
【1】 Make something become available or possible, less limited (42.5%)
【2】 Open something (door, gate, book, bag) (27.5%)
【1】 Make something become available or possible, less limited (42.5%)
【2】 Open something (door, gate, book, bag) (27.5%)
【1】 Start a life, existence, profession, or course of action in a particular way or by doing a particular thing (95%)
【1】 Start a life, existence, profession, or course of action in a particular way or by doing a particular thing (95%)
start out
【句動】《...することに》乗り出す,取り掛かる《to do》
【1】 Gain control, management, or possession of something/somebody (task, job, political party, organisation) (96.5%)
【1】 Gain control, management, or possession of something/somebody (task, job, political party, organisation) (96.5%)
【1】 Have a look at; examine something/somebody (esp. to get more information or make a judgement) (97%)
【1】 Have a look at; examine something/somebody (esp. to get more information or make a judgement) (97%)
check out
【句動】をよく調べる,を見てみる /(図書館などから)...を借りる / (ホテルなどから)支払いをして引き払う / (レジ係が)精算する / (急いで)出発する
【1】 Become higher in value; increase (47.5%)
【2】 Move upward, or from a lower spatial location to a higher one (20.5%)
【1】 Become higher in value; increase (47.5%)
【2】 Move upward, or from a lower spatial location to a higher one (20.5%)
【1】 Leave one’s place of residence permanently (94.5%)
【1】 Leave one’s place of residence permanently (94.5%)
【1】 Go away from, leave (train, bus, aircraft, lift) (54%)
【2】 (Get off to a ... start) Begin something in a certain way (12.5%)
【3】 Manage to avoid serious trouble or consequences (esp. legal punishment) (12%)
【1】 Go away from, leave (train, bus, aircraft, lift) (54%)
【2】 (Get off to a ... start) Begin something in a certain way (12.5%)
【3】 Manage to avoid serious trouble or consequences (esp. legal punishment) (12%)
【1】 Refuse to accept or consider (esp. by people of authority) (29%)
【2】 Put something in a rubbish bin (25.5%)
【3】 Make somebody leave a place, activity or organization, esp. forcibly and unexpectedly (21%)
【1】 Refuse to accept or consider (esp. by people of authority) (29%)
【2】 Put something in a rubbish bin (25.5%)
【3】 Make somebody leave a place, activity or organization, esp. forcibly and unexpectedly (21%)
【1】 Move one’s hand or an object in one’s hand forward or towards somebody, in order to grab or give something (61%)
【2】 Hold something as likely to happen or succeed (hope, possibility, prospect, promise) (15%)
【1】 Move one’s hand or an object in one’s hand forward or towards somebody, in order to grab or give something (61%)
【2】 Hold something as likely to happen or succeed (hope, possibility, prospect, promise) (15%)
【1】 Put a piece of clothing or jewellery onto one’s body (52%)
【2】 Present or stage (play, show, competition) (14.5%)
【1】 Put a piece of clothing or jewellery onto one’s body (52%)
【2】 Present or stage (play, show, competition) (14.5%)
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