頻出句動詞150 / 英英選択問題 / 句動詞⇨英定義 - 未解答
【1】 Leave a room, building, car, or one’s home to go to a social event.(56.5%)
【2】 (Go out and do something) Used as an intensifier, to highlight the active nature of what is being done (19.5%)
【1】 Leave a room, building, car, or one’s home to go to a social event.(56.5%)
【2】 (Go out and do something) Used as an intensifier, to highlight the active nature of what is being done (19.5%)
【1】 Come in the area near something/somebody (45%)
【2】 (+ to) Convert to an opinion or decision (22%)
【3】 Happen again as a regular event, at its usual time (10%)
【1】 Come in the area near something/somebody (45%)
【2】 (+ to) Convert to an opinion or decision (22%)
【3】 Happen again as a regular event, at its usual time (10%)
come around
【句動】やってくる / 《...に》意見を変える,態度を変えて同意する《to ...》/ 巡回してくる,巡り来る
【1】 Enter (place, area, room, building) (90%)
【1】 Enter (place, area, room, building) (90%)
【1】 Use a particular amount of space, time or effort (25.5%)
【2】 Discuss or deal with (issue, idea, matter) (17.5%)
【3】 Start doing a particular job or activity, esp. for pleasure (10.5%)
【4】 Grasp an object, often moving it from a lower to a higher position (10%)
【1】 Use a particular amount of space, time or effort (25.5%)
【2】 Discuss or deal with (issue, idea, matter) (17.5%)
【3】 Start doing a particular job or activity, esp. for pleasure (10.5%)
【4】 Grasp an object, often moving it from a lower to a higher position (10%)
take up
(特定の量の時間や労力など)を使う / を議論する,を対処する / (喜びのために)を始める / を取り上げる,を上げる
【1】 Spend time relaxing or enjoying oneself (84%)
【1】 Spend time relaxing or enjoying oneself (84%)
【1】 Continue doing something without stopping, or repeatedly (92.5%)
【1】 Continue doing something without stopping, or repeatedly (92.5%)
keep on
【動/自】続く, 《...を》続ける《with ...》,そのまま進む, 《...ついて》勝手に喋り続ける《about ...》 【動/他】...を着たままでいる,...を取らないでいる / ...を続ける
自】続く, 《...を》続ける《with ...》,そのまま進む, 《...ついて》勝手に喋り続ける《about ...》 【動
【1】 Distinguish oneself/itself by being better, more significant or more impressive than other people/things (60.5%)
【2】 Be easily seen or noticeable (38%)
【1】 Distinguish oneself/itself by being better, more significant or more impressive than other people/things (60.5%)
【2】 Be easily seen or noticeable (38%)
【1】 Turn around so as to face the opposite direction (51.5%)
【2】 Go back (or make somebody/something go back) in the direction somebody/something has come from (25.5%)
【1】 Turn around so as to face the opposite direction (51.5%)
【2】 Go back (or make somebody/something go back) in the direction somebody/something has come from (25.5%)
【1】 Get or take somebody / something from a place (70.5%)
【1】 Get or take somebody / something from a place (70.5%)
【1】 Move one’s hand or an object in one’s hand forward or towards somebody, in order to grab or give something (61%)
【2】 Hold something as likely to happen or succeed (hope, possibility, prospect, promise) (15%)
【1】 Move one’s hand or an object in one’s hand forward or towards somebody, in order to grab or give something (61%)
【2】 Hold something as likely to happen or succeed (hope, possibility, prospect, promise) (15%)
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