頻出句動詞150 / 英英選択問題 / 句動詞⇨英定義 - 未解答
【1】 Stop working or functioning; fail or collapse (vehicle, device, relationship, negotiations) (24%)
【2】 Divide or separate into categories or smaller components so as to make it easier to understand or deal with (20%)
【3】 Lose control of one’s emotions and yield to tears or distress (17.5%)
【4】 Undergo chemical decomposition; separate into different substances (13.5%)
【1】 Stop working or functioning; fail or collapse (vehicle, device, relationship, negotiations) (24%)
【2】 Divide or separate into categories or smaller components so as to make it easier to understand or deal with (20%)
【3】 Lose control of one’s emotions and yield to tears or distress (17.5%)
【4】 Undergo chemical decomposition; separate into different substances (13.5%)
【1】 End up in a particular situation, condition or place, esp. an unpleasant one (87%)
【1】 End up in a particular situation, condition or place, esp. an unpleasant one (87%)
wind up
【句動】(意に反して)結局...することになる《doing》, 最後には…に至る
【1】 Do what is needed to solve a problem, conflict or difficult situation (51%)
【2】 Find out information so as to understand something (25.5%)
【1】 Do what is needed to solve a problem, conflict or difficult situation (51%)
【2】 Find out information so as to understand something (25.5%)
【1】 Experience something difficult or unpleasant (61%)
【2】 Be officially accepted or approved (10%)
【1】 Experience something difficult or unpleasant (61%)
【2】 Be officially accepted or approved (10%)
go through
(困難・悪いこと)を経験する / (正式に)承諾される,(公式に議会を)通過する
【1】 Enter a place or area (room, building) (65%)
【2】 Become involved in a situation (14%)
【1】 Enter a place or area (room, building) (65%)
【2】 Become involved in a situation (14%)
【1】 Remove something (esp. piece of clothing or jewellery from one’s body) (41%)
【2】 Leave a place, especially suddenly (28.5%)
【3】 Leave the ground and rise into the air (14%)
【1】 Remove something (esp. piece of clothing or jewellery from one’s body) (41%)
【2】 Leave a place, especially suddenly (28.5%)
【3】 Leave the ground and rise into the air (14%)
take off
を脱ぐ / 急に場所を離れる / 地面を離れて上昇する,離陸する
【1】 Delay until a later time or date (68%)
【2】 Cause to feel intense dislike (27.5%)
【1】 Delay until a later time or date (68%)
【2】 Cause to feel intense dislike (27.5%)
【1】 Go from one place/person to another; circulate (76%)
【1】 Go from one place/person to another; circulate (76%)
【1】 (Be/Get caught up) Become involved in something which prevents somebody from making progress or moving forward (26%)
【2】 Reach somebody that is ahead by walking, running, or driving faster (18%)
【3】 Reach the same level or standard as somebody who is more advanced (14%)
【1】 (Be/Get caught up) Become involved in something which prevents somebody from making progress or moving forward (26%)
【2】 Reach somebody that is ahead by walking, running, or driving faster (18%)
【3】 Reach the same level or standard as somebody who is more advanced (14%)
catch up
【形】遅れの取り戻しの, 追い上げの 【句動】《通例受身/get》を巻き込む / 《...に》追いつく《with ...》,遅れを取り戻す / (より高度な人と同じレベルに)達する
【形】遅れの取り戻しの, 追い上げの 【句動】《通例受身
《...に》追いつく《with ...》,遅れを取り戻す
【1】 Go (or make something/somebody go) inside a place (car, house, room) (65.5%)
【2】 (+ on) Get involved in an exciting or profitable activity/opportunity (12.5%)
【1】 Go (or make something/somebody go) inside a place (car, house, room) (65.5%)
【2】 (+ on) Get involved in an exciting or profitable activity/opportunity (12.5%)
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