Dictionary quizzes to help you remember the meaning - 未解答
property / ownership
special adverbial pusdalyvis participle of apdaryti.
locative singular of tvarka
(with verbs or verbal nouns); Movement around something; circum- / (with verbs or verbal nouns); Action takes on many objects / (with verbs or verbal nouns); Action sets something/someone apart from others / (with verbs or verbal nouns); Smallness of an action / (with verbs or verbal nouns); Outdoing, defeat or the conquer over someone/something / (with verbs or verbal nouns); Unsuccessful result of an action / (with verbs or verbal nouns); Significance of the end of an action / (with nouns); Abstract concepts connected to some action / (with nouns); Place/thing around something / (with nouns); Approximate/estimated time / (with nouns); Person with a small/unimpressive amount of some quality / (with adjectives); Possession of qualities connected with orientation or demeanor / (with adjectives); In some dialects, describes the possession of incomplete qualities
dative singular of aušra
first-person singular past of norėti
pronominal positive masculine plural locative form of netvarkingas.
pronominal superlative feminine singular nominative form of orgiškas.
second-person plural present of įkeliauti
feminine singular genitive form of turėdavęs. / feminine plural nominative form of turėdavęs. / feminine plural vocative form of turėdavęs.