TOEIC英単語(TSL)/ 例文 / リスニング - 未解答
You can easily have a wireless Internet connection via mobile phone.
In the main, I am in favor of political reform if meaningful changes are made.
In the main, I am in favor of political reform if meaningful changes are made.
He attended the meeting in spite of illness.
(3) Where a person who engages in the business of the rental of commercial phonograms to the public (hereinafter referred to as commercial phonograms renters
) offers a performance to the public by rental of post-period commercial phonograms, he shall pay a reasonable amount of remuneration to the performer whose performance (to the extent within the duration of the neighboring rights therein) is incorporated in such phonogram.
(3) Where a person who engages in the business of the rental of commercial phonograms to the public (hereinafter referred to as commercial phonograms renters
) offers a performance to the public by rental of post-period commercial phonograms, he shall pay a reasonable amount of remuneration to the performer whose performance (to the extent within the duration of the neighboring rights therein) is incorporated in such phonogram.
He's got a career guidance meeting. So today it's just me and you.
A photographer took a photograph of my house.
77 Ibid. See also Ledford one of genre entertainment's `most powerful.'
11 Aug. 2003. 4 Dec. 2003.
77 Ibid. See also Ledford one of genre entertainment's `most powerful.'
11 Aug. 2003. 4 Dec. 2003.
There are a lot of people so today we've gone for buffet style.
Where's the emergency exit?
The fine day added to the pleasure of the picnic.