TOEIC英単語(TSL)/ 例文 / リスニング - 未解答
- Sew together the shoulder of the garment body.
Shoppers crowded the streets.
A cultural heritage is handed down to posterity.
His story is partially true.
Tape fidelity remained a major drawback to this distribution system,
How many subscribers does this magazine have?
Lobbyists for the bill funneled bribes into a campaign fund.
(2) Disciplinary punishments listed in items (ii) to (v) inclusive under the preceding paragraph may be imposed cumulatively; and the disciplinary punishment listed in item (vi) of said paragraph (hereinafter referred to as disciplinary confinement
in this Section) and the disciplinary punishment listed in item (v) of said paragraph may be imposed cumulatively.
(2) Disciplinary punishments listed in items (ii) to (v) inclusive under the preceding paragraph may be imposed cumulatively; and the disciplinary punishment listed in item (vi) of said paragraph (hereinafter referred to as disciplinary confinement
in this Section) and the disciplinary punishment listed in item (v) of said paragraph may be imposed cumulatively.
He exercises in the gymnasium for an hour and a half.
The sphygmomanometer is an important diagnostic instrument.