burakumin, member of a group of modern-day outcastes discriminated against based on their perceived linkage to Japan's lowest ranks of feudal outcast groups, place of residency or occupations. Often referred to as 被差別部落民 (hisabetsu burakumin, “discriminated burakumin”).
burakumin, member of a group of modern-day outcastes discriminated against based on their perceived linkage to Japan's lowest ranks of feudal outcast groups, place of residency or occupations. Often referred to as 被差別部落民 (hisabetsu burakumin, “discriminated burakumin”).
burakumin, member of a group of modern-day outcastes discriminated against based on their perceived linkage to Japan's lowest ranks of feudal outcast groups, place of residency or occupations. Often referred to as 被差別部落民 (hisabetsu burakumin, “discriminated burakumin”).