a teenage girl participating in the Kogal subculture in Japan, which is a form of the ギャル (Gyaru) fashion subculture and peaked in the mid-1990s. Kogals were troped by the Japanese media as having tendencies towards being obsessively trend-conscious.
a teenage girl participating in the Kogal subculture in Japan, which is a form of the ギャル (Gyaru) fashion subculture and peaked in the mid-1990s. Kogals were troped by the Japanese media as having tendencies towards being obsessively trend-conscious.
a teenage girl participating in the Kogal subculture in Japan, which is a form of the ギャル (Gyaru) fashion subculture and peaked in the mid-1990s. Kogals were troped by the Japanese media as having tendencies towards being obsessively trend-conscious.