Alternate reading for 六道 (ろくどう, rokudō). / 地獄道 (じごくどう, jigokudō): hell / 餓鬼道 (がきどう, gakidō): life in starvation (one of the Buddhist hells) / 畜生道 (ちくしょうどう, chikushōdō): life as a beast
Alternate reading for 六道 (ろくどう, rokudō). / 地獄道 (じごくどう, jigokudō): hell / 餓鬼道 (がきどう, gakidō): life in starvation (one of the Buddhist hells) / 畜生道 (ちくしょうどう, chikushōdō): life as a beast
Alternate reading for 六道 (ろくどう, rokudō).
地獄道 (じごくどう, jigokudō): hell
餓鬼道 (がきどう, gakidō): life in starvation (one of the Buddhist hells)
畜生道 (ちくしょうどう, chikushōdō): life as a beast
人間道 (にんげんどう, ningendō) / 人道 (にんどう, nindō): life as a human
阿修羅道 (あしゅらどう, ashuradō): life as a demigod
天上 (てんじょう, tenjō): heaven
Note that the Theravada Buddhist tradition only recognizes five planes of existence, as Theravada does not distinguish between the ashura and heaven planes.