(Japanese mythology) son of 伊弉諾 (Izanagi) and 伊弉冉 (Izanami), born either before or after 淡路島 (Awajishima, “Awaji Island”) during his parents' nation birthing process (his siblings
included islands), considered a deformed failure, disowned by his parents, and sent adrift on reed boat
(Japanese mythology) son of 伊弉諾 (Izanagi) and 伊弉冉 (Izanami), born either before or after 淡路島 (Awajishima, “Awaji Island”) during his parents' nation birthing process (his "siblings" included islands), considered a deformed failure, disowned by his parents, and sent adrift on reed boat
(Japanese mythology) son of 伊弉諾 (Izanagi) and 伊弉冉 (Izanami), born either before or after 淡路島 (Awajishima, “Awaji Island”) during his parents' nation birthing process (his siblings
included islands), considered a deformed failure, disowned by his parents, and sent adrift on reed boat
Alternative spelling of 恵比寿