(transitive) to do / (transitive) to make; to create / (transitive) to make; to bring about / (transitive) to make; to behave or act [+ da (object) = as] / (transitive) to make; to constitute / (transitive) to make; to numerically result in; to add up to / (transitive) to make; to formulate in the mind / (transitive) to make; to cause to be; to render / (transitive) to make; (ditransitive) to compel / (transitive) to make; (ditransitive) to force
(transitive) to do / (transitive) to make; to create / (transitive) to make; to bring about / (transitive) to make; to behave or act [+ da (object) = as] / (transitive) to make; to constitute / (transitive) to make; to numerically result in; to add up to / (transitive) to make; to formulate in the mind / (transitive) to make; to cause to be; to render / (transitive) to make; (ditransitive) to compel / (transitive) to make; (ditransitive) to force