through / by (used to introduce a means; used to introduce an agent in a passive construction)) / over (used to express direction) / from (used to describe the origin of something, especially a view or movement) / around, round (inside of) / on (situated on, used in certain phrases) / on, at, in (used to denote a time when something occurs) / in / per, a, an / out of (used to describe the reason for something) / for
through / by (used to introduce a means; used to introduce an agent in a passive construction)) / over (used to express direction) / from (used to describe the origin of something, especially a view or movement) / around, round (inside of) / on (situated on, used in certain phrases) / on, at, in (used to denote a time when something occurs) / in / per, a, an / out of (used to describe the reason for something) / for