of (in relation to) ; of (forms compounds; often untranslated) / of (in relation to) ; of; about (on the subject of) / of (in relation to) ; of; -'s (belonging to) / of (in relation to) ; -'s (made by) / of (in relation to) ; of (being a part of) / of (in relation to) ; of (introduces the month a given day is part of) / of (in relation to) ; of (introduces the object of an agent noun) / of (in relation to) ; of (introduces the name of a place following its hypernym) / of (in relation to) / of (in relation to) / of (in relation to) / of (in relation to)
of (in relation to)
; of (forms compounds; often untranslated) / of (in relation to)
; of; about (on the subject of) / of (in relation to)
; of; -'s (belonging to) / of (in relation to)
; -'s (made by) / of (in relation to)
; of (being a part of) / of (in relation to)
; of (introduces the month a given day is part of) / of (in relation to)
; of (introduces the object of an agent noun) / of (in relation to)
; of (introduces the name of a place following its hypernym) / of (in relation to)
/ of (in relation to)
/ of (in relation to)
/ of (in relation to)