皇妃: an empress / 口碑: a legend / 工費: construction costs / 公比: a common ratio; a geometric ratio / 公妃: a duchess / 公費: public expenditure / 叩扉: beating on a door; a visit to someone
皇妃: an empress
口碑: a legend
工費: construction costs
公比: a common ratio; a geometric ratio
公妃: a duchess
公費: public expenditure
叩扉: beating on a door; a visit to someone
甲皮: an arthropod's shell, exoskeleton
光比: light ratio
光被: a wide or broad glow; broad magnanimity
后妃: an empress, a queen
考妣: one's parents, particularly if they have already passed away
皇妣: a past empress, an empress who is no longer reigning
高庇: an honorific term for a favor or patronage received
高批: an honorific term for criticism or feedback received
高卑: high and low places; high and low social positions
糠粃: grain husks and bran; a rough meal; something boring or worthless