元となった辞書の項目
burning
意味(3)
(cryptocurrencies)
purposefully
remove
certain
number
of
coins
in
circulation,
by
sending
it
to
a
public
address
where
the
private
keys
cannot
be
obtained
(called
burn
address,
eater
address
or
black
hole),
usually
should
be
available
on
the
blockchain
for
anyone
to
review
such
a
transaction.
It’s
a
one-way
address
with
no
ability
to
reverse
the
transaction
or
withdraw
the
coins.
For
all
practical
purposes,
the
asset
no
longer
exists
(it
has
been
“burned”).
The
act
of
burning
effectively
removes
tokens
from
the
available
supply.