元となった辞書の項目
Mr.
noun
(US,
Canada)
Abbreviation
of
mister.
title
used
before
the
surname
in
theory,
though
not
generally
in
practice,
above
some
undefined
social
level,
too
old
to
be
addressed
as
“Master”,
not
a
knight
or
of
some
higher
rank,
and,
in
Britain
though
not
in
the
United
States,
not
entitled
to
be
addressed
as
“Dr.”.
意味(1)
(US,
Canada)
Abbreviation
of
mister.
title
used
before
the
surname
in
theory,
though
not
generally
in
practice,
above
some
undefined
social
level,
too
old
to
be
addressed
as
“Master”,
not
a
knight
or
of
some
higher
rank,
and,
in
Britain
though
not
in
the
United
States,
not
entitled
to
be
addressed
as
“Dr.”.