
(intransitive) to burn, be on fire; to burn up, burn down / (intransitive) to be burned, scorched, or singed; to get a burn or scald; to get sunburned / (intransitive, for a place) to be blazing hot, be hot as blazes / (intransitive) to have fever, be feverish / (intransitive) to smart, suffer / (intransitive) to be in a bad predicament, be sunk, be done for, have had it; to get it in the neck; to be in the soup / (intransitive) to expire; to become void / (intransitive, childish) to be out, be eliminated / (intransitive, childish) to be out, be eliminated; (intransitive, childish, video games) to die, to lose / (intransitive, with dative case) to feel great sadness (at); to feel bitter regret (for) / (intransitive) to be burning (with an emotion, a feeling), to have a burning desire (for).






(intransitive) to burn, be on fire; to burn up, burn down / (intransitive) to be burned, scorched, or singed; to get a burn or scald; to get sunburned / (intransitive, for a place) to be blazing hot, be hot as blazes / (intransitive) to have fever, be feverish / (intransitive) to smart, suffer / (intransitive) to be in a bad predicament, be sunk, be done for, have had it; to get it in the neck; to be in the soup / (intransitive) to expire; to become void / (intransitive, childish) to be out, be eliminated / (intransitive, childish) to be out, be eliminated; (intransitive, childish, video games) to die, to lose / (intransitive, with dative case) to feel great sadness (at); to feel bitter regret (for) / (intransitive) to be burning (with an emotion, a feeling), to have a burning desire (for).

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