元となった辞書の項目
starlit
意味(1)
him
lay
the
gray
Azores,
/
Behind
the
Gates
of
Hercules;
/
Before
him
not
the
ghost
of
shores,
/
Before
him
only
shoreless
seas.
//
The
good
mate
said:
“Now
must
we
pray,
/
For
lo!
the
very
stars
are
gone.
/
Brave
Admiral,
speak,
what
shall
say?”
/
“Why,
say,
‘Sail
on!
sail
on!
and
on!’”
“My
men
grow
mutinous
day
by
day;
/
My
men
grow
ghastly
wan
and
weak.”
/
The
stout
mate
thought
of
home;
a
spray
/
Of
salt
wave
washed
his
swarthy
cheek.
//
“What
shall
say,
brave
Admiral,
say,
/
If
we
sight
naught
but
seas
at
dawn?”
/
“Why,
you
shall
say
at
break
of
day,
/
‘Sail
on!
sail
on!
sail
on!
and
on!’”
They
sailed
and
sailed,
as
winds
might
blow,
/
Until
at
last
the
blanched
mate
said:
/
“Why,
now
not
even
God
would
know
/
Should
and
all
my
men
fall
dead.
//
These
very
winds
forget
their
way,
/
For
God
from
these
dread
seas
is
gone.
/
Now
speak,
brave
Admiral,
speak
and
say”—
/
He
said:
“Sail
on!
sail
on!
and
on!”
They
sailed.
They
sailed.
Then
spake
the
mate:
/
“This
mad
sea
shows
his
teeth
to-night.
/
He
curls
his
lip,
he
lies
in
wait,
/
With
lifted
teeth,
as
if
to
bite!
//
Brave
Admiral,
say
but
one
good
word:
/
What
shall
we
do
when
hope
is
gone?”
/
The
words
leapt
like
a
leaping
sword:
/
“Sail
on!
sail
on!
sail
on!
and
on!”
Then,
pale
and
worn,
he
kept
his
deck,
/
And
peered
through
darkness.
Ah,
that
night
/
Of
all
dark
nights!
And
then
a
speck—
/
light!
light!
light!
light!
//
It
grew,
a
starlit
flag
unfurled!
/
It
grew
to
be
Time’s
burst
of
dawn.
/
He
gained
a
world;
he
gave
that
world
/
Its
grandest
lesson:
“On!
sail
on!”