元となった辞書の項目
bioavailability
noun
(biology,
medicine)
The
extent
to
which
a
substance
is
molecularly
available
to
cells
and
tissues
in
a
living
organism,
which
depends
on
factors
such
as
solubility,
pH
level,
and
presence
of
enzymes
and
cofactors;
for
example,
even
if
one's
ingestion
of
vitamin
B₁₂
is
average/typical,
one
might
nonetheless
have
B₁₂
deficiency
if
one
has
poor
metabolism
of
this
particular
vitamin.
意味(1)
(biology,
medicine)
The
extent
to
which
a
substance
is
molecularly
available
to
cells
and
tissues
in
a
living
organism,
which
depends
on
factors
such
as
solubility,
pH
level,
and
presence
of
enzymes
and
cofactors;
for
example,
even
if
one's
ingestion
of
vitamin
B₁₂
is
average/typical,
one
might
nonetheless
have
B₁₂
deficiency
if
one
has
poor
metabolism
of
this
particular
vitamin.