
(interrogative pronoun) Is used in front of a word to make direct or indirect questions for something that is unknown. / (interrogative pronoun) Is used as an interrogative word in front of nominative case or accusative case to ask about the type or feature of a being, thing, phenomenon replacing cili and çfarë. / (interrogative pronoun) Is used to ask question about relationship between people replacing kush. / (interrogative pronoun) Is used as vocative replacing çfarë. Is used as vocative that always gives us the negative answer nothing. Is used in vocative that show surprise or denial replacing gjithçka and çmos. / (relative pronoun) Is used to connect a dependant sentence replacing gjithçka. / (relative pronoun) As a relative pronoun replacing sa.






(interrogative pronoun) Is used in front of a word to make direct or indirect questions for something that is unknown. / (interrogative pronoun) Is used as an interrogative word in front of nominative case or accusative case to ask about the type or feature of a being, thing, phenomenon replacing cili and çfarë. / (interrogative pronoun) Is used to ask question about relationship between people replacing kush. / (interrogative pronoun) Is used as vocative replacing çfarë. Is used as vocative that always gives us the negative answer nothing. Is used in vocative that show surprise or denial replacing gjithçka and çmos. / (relative pronoun) Is used to connect a dependant sentence replacing gjithçka. / (relative pronoun) As a relative pronoun replacing sa.

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