元となった辞書の項目
metacentre
noun
(physics,
nautical)
The
point
where
a
vertical
line
through
a
tilted
vessel's
center
of
buoyancy
intersects
the
originally-vertical
(but-now-tilted)
line
that
passed
through
the
center
of
buoyancy
when
the
vessel
was
upright;
it
must
be
above
the
vessel's
center
of
gravity
for
the
vessel
to
have
positive
static
stability
(to
tend
to
return
to
an
upright
orientation
if
rolled
to
one
side,
rather
than
to
continue
rolling
to
an
inverted
orientation).
意味(1)
(physics,
nautical)
The
point
where
a
vertical
line
through
a
tilted
vessel's
center
of
buoyancy
intersects
the
originally-vertical
(but-now-tilted)
line
that
passed
through
the
center
of
buoyancy
when
the
vessel
was
upright;
it
must
be
above
the
vessel's
center
of
gravity
for
the
vessel
to
have
positive
static
stability
(to
tend
to
return
to
an
upright
orientation
if
rolled
to
one
side,
rather
than
to
continue
rolling
to
an
inverted
orientation).