元となった辞書の項目
noun
(astronomy)
Initialism
of
luminous
red
nova:
an
astronomical
event,
believed
to
be
a
type
of
stellar
explosion,
intermediate
in
power
between
a
nova
and
a
supernova,
and
such
that
as
the
explosive
debris
expands
it
reddens
and
cools,
unlike
a
nova
or
supernova,
in
which
thinning
explosive
debris
exposes
hotter
interior
layers.
意味(1)
(astronomy)
Initialism
of
luminous
red
nova:
an
astronomical
event,
believed
to
be
a
type
of
stellar
explosion,
intermediate
in
power
between
a
nova
and
a
supernova,
and
such
that
as
the
explosive
debris
expands
it
reddens
and
cools,
unlike
a
nova
or
supernova,
in
which
thinning
explosive
debris
exposes
hotter
interior
layers.