元となった辞書の項目
potale
noun
liquid
byproduct
from
a
grain
distillery,
consisting
of
the
liquid
portion
of
draff
after
the
spent
grain
is
removed,
plus
washings
from
tuns
(spent
wash).
Over
time
its
disposition
has
varied:
mostly
as
dumped
waste,
sometimes
sold
for
part
of
the
ration
for
pigs
and
cattle,
when
such
a
market
is
available.
意味(1)
liquid
byproduct
from
a
grain
distillery,
consisting
of
the
liquid
portion
of
draff
after
the
spent
grain
is
removed,
plus
washings
from
tuns
(spent
wash).
Over
time
its
disposition
has
varied:
mostly
as
dumped
waste,
sometimes
sold
for
part
of
the
ration
for
pigs
and
cattle,
when
such
a
market
is
available.