元となった辞書の項目
koolie
noun
Sulda,
Dixie;
Graham,
Narelle
(2022-11-24),
“Fruit
fly
detection
dogs
find
first
larvae
in
the
Riverland,
stopping
pest
spreading
to
multiple
orchards”,
in
News,
Australian
broadcasting
Corporation:
“Max
the
koolie
and
Rylee
the
German
shepherd
started
work
in
October
to
detect
Queensland
fruit
fly
larvae
and
made
their
first
find
in
a
known
outbreak
area
in
recent
days.”
意味(1)
Sulda,
Dixie;
Graham,
Narelle
(2022-11-24),
“Fruit
fly
detection
dogs
find
first
larvae
in
the
Riverland,
stopping
pest
spreading
to
multiple
orchards”,
in
News,
Australian
broadcasting
Corporation:
“Max
the
koolie
and
Rylee
the
German
shepherd
started
work
in
October
to
detect
Queensland
fruit
fly
larvae
and
made
their
first
find
in
a
known
outbreak
area
in
recent
days.”